& Economies
of LAtin American
Socioecologies & Economies of Migration is a collective of Latin American-born Canadian researchers, artists, and activists working together to examine Latin American migration to Canada.
We seek to address South-North human mobility through an interdisciplinary research-action method guided by principles of social justice. Using art as a knowledge transfer method, we mobilize our convergent interests in indebtedness, displacement and environmental racism to co-design meaningful research identified by the communities we work with.
Nuanced understanding of Latin American migration to Canada requires developing new methodological and theoretical lenses rooted in transversality and collaboration.
We seek to imagine together and co-design research projects and methodologies that will enhance theoretical understanding and real-world responses through academic inquiry and artistic creation focused on the convergences of migration, labour, financialization, and environment.
Our Research
The Starting Point
In August 2021, funded by MSVU/SSHRC*, we hosted our first summer course for undergraduate and masters' students, activists, scholars, and artists interested in Latin American migrations to Canada, from a social justice perspective.
* Mount Saint Vincent University / Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.
Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology & Anthropology of Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax NS. She holds a Ph.D. in sociocultural anthropology at the University of Toronto with a joint degree at the School of Environment. Her research interests are related to monarch butterfly tri-national conservation dynamics exploring the connections between NAFTA’s agri-food industry, labour migration, and monarch decline.
Learn more about Columba's research project, “Convergent Migrations,”.
Gloria C. Pérez-Rivera PhD is an assistant professor at the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Mount Royal University. Her research examines financialization as a set of debt and credit relations that shapes the work and labour relations of socio-economically marginalized groups.
Learn more about Gloria's work at
Through social art, Melanie Schambach invites the public to challenge the narratives of identity, belonging, and social change through participatory painting. As an Artivist Melanie acts against injustice and oppression by raising social and environmental awareness through creative expression.
Learn more about Melanie's work at